This shampoo is a game changer! I have dry and frizzy 3a-3b curls so this shampoo works great for me leaving my curls soft and hydrated even after washing it out. It doesn't suds up, but who said you need bubbles to cleanse your scalp anyways?
exactly Dezi like who needs bubbles anyway lol we are glad you love it and thank you for the review
Ok so I had to write a review on this shampoo. I have multi textured hair and, I've been natural for about 5 yrs or so and the struggle is real isn't it. Well my search is over this shampoo doesn't suds up. It's more like a cleansing conditioner and it leaves my hair soooo soft, with a light vanilla scent and the shine is unbelievable. It's perfect for in shower detangling. Buy the whole line. You won't regret it and your hair WILL love it. 💕 ⚘️ thank you for these amazing products.
We are glad you love the products Kisha, Thank you so much for your lovely review
I started trying Royal Frisage products to support a friend, and it is now the only thing I use. The shampoo is no different. I’ve used it twice so far and both times It has left my hair feeling the way conditioner does. Soft and smooth. I detangle my hair with my fingers as I’m rinsing it out. Literally don’t need a comb at all which reduces the amount of hair that falls out. The smell is good like all the other products but not strong, which I like. 10/10.
YES, we are so happy you love it! Thank you for the review Dee